Purchased from the importer and shipped to Western Australia out of interest for the AWD technology this American product of Steve Christini takes the form of a Taiwanese Honda CRF450 knock off with a mechanical front wheel drive unit that can be engaged from the handle bars. Drive for the front wheels comes from the front sprocket and a chain drive up into the frame and forward to the steering head where two light shafts drive the front wheel. Its an estimated 15% power delivery to the front wheel when. Rear wheel has around 5% slip. Much the same as the Yamaha 2Trac principles but mechanical drive rather than the Yamaha Hydrolic drive system.
A Honda CRF450 Rekluse clutch has been fitted for a massive reduction in clutch lever operation force however fine tuning of the engagement revs still being fine tuned. A Honda CRF450 rear suspension lowering link has been fitted along with raising of the front forks. Original speedo for some reason was not calibrated in KPH or MPH (possibly Knots) so the importer supplied an alternate, possibly later model speedo of Kelso brand that has now been set up correctly.