Australian delivered. I bought her from Ed Power ( lives in NSW) in June 2016 and she now lives in the Sunshine Coast Queensland ( Also featured in Ed's Garage cars )
He states he's owned it for 5-6 years in excellent unrestored condition ( if it aint broke don’t fix it ) I think that is a good idea Ed!!
I consider it fair to good condition with no rust or damage what-so-ever with the paintwork and interior trim needing some TLC. Recon trans has now been fitted which Ed supplied when I bought her
I have purchased some bits from UK awaiting fitment. A re-cored radiator has been installed
Had covered 79000 miles and had one long term owner before Ed.. She drives very well and gets a lot of admiring looks
I have done what some may think sacrilege by putting a Leaping Cat on the bonnet. The Winged "D" just didn't cut it hahaha And I don't care as it looks cool
The rear wheel spats have been trimmed slightly and I think gives the car a far better look