This bike kept me sane...or was that insane! when I was going to Uni in the early '90's. I would spend all week tinkering with it in my breaks from study, ride it over the weekend, then spend the next week tightening everything back up again.....it used to vibrate itself to pieces!
These bikes had so much personality, you really had to get to know them, it would start 2nd kick every time, as long as you followed the start up routine religiously, mess it up and you could kick it to exhaustion!!!
It was an American export model which came with a larger capacity fuel tank, high bars and chrome guards.
It had 6,000 original miles on it when I bought it from an old collector, it still had its factory original tyres (deadly), brake shoes, pipes, etc.
Sold it in 1993 as it appears in the photo.
It had an awful Brown and Blue tank on it. I resprayed it Black with a metallic maroon flash and gold pinstriping. Indicators were removed otherwise it was factory original.