This bike is a 1962 BSA C15 a 250cc. This is my first ever bike build. This was a barn find, and only the frame, some of the engine and wheels were there. Parts were bought from all over the globe over 4 years. I hand picked the colour theme from paint swatch charts and wanted to stay close to its original colour known as nutley blue back then.
I had a seat cover customised from vintage kangaroo leather, and bought some tan leather wraps from trip machine to match.
I have remained slightly pure on the electrics leaving it on a 6v distribtor system, but all new looms, wiring connectors, coil and lamps. Globes are now LED , rare to find for 6v systems.
I didnt like the bulky handlebar switches of its day so i made up some mini ones and fitted them with concealed wiring in the handlebars for a neat and cleaner look.
My father gave me an old telstra technicians leather field box, which i repurposed into a tool box and retro fitted to the rear fender.
Finally i changed out the old hot dog style silencer and replaced it with a new reverse cone one. This gave the bike a racier look and sounds a lot more aggressive.
The engine is a complete tear down and rebuild with mostly new old stock or upgraded parts. The chromed casings pop really well against the colours used.
Custom handlebar switches
Custom vintage kangaroo leather seat
Antigravity lithium battery
LED lighting
Chromed more streamline chainguard
Switched out the original hot dog silencer for a reverse cone one.