Built in the early 60s by Lightburn this one came to our family in about 1968. I got it in 1970 and drove it for several years. It then languished in a shed for a long time before I moved to my current place where I started restoring it. Unfortunately a while ago our shed was burnt down one night and I lost my Zeta along with 54 motorcycles and 4 other cars so this is now a car of my past.
My Zeta was my first car. Built by L:ightburn here in Adelaide it featured a fibreglass body with a 324cc two stroke motorcycle engine that on a good day could get to 80kms per hr. I won lots of bets with this car because, due to its unique method of reversing the rotation of the engine when you wanted to go in reverse it actually had 4 reverse gears. Nobody believed that until they saw it. It is front wheel drive and incredibly light (I once changed a flat tyre with one guy holding the corner of the car up) so it could go just about anywhere. I drove it down the beach to the Murray Mouth, up on to the top of The Bluff at Victor Harbour, all over the Riverland and many other places. Now, 56 years later I still have this car in my shed. OK it needs a bit of work now but at least I still have it and plan to restore it soon.