My first car purchased before I had a licence to drive it. Bought for $900. No radio. Forever having CV joint issues but that might have been my driving style at the time. One trip from Wellington to Auckland resulted in the speedo stopping, so I had to guess my speed, then the fuel gauge stopped, so I was guessing how much fuel was left and would I get to my destination with whatever amount was in the tank. No, I ran out. A portable radio on the rear window shelf would vary in reception depending on which side of the car it would slide to. My first long distance drive (rather inexperienced I was then) resulted in me coming around a corner into road works and seeing a road roller in the middle of the road. Over corrected, slid off the road, along a ditch and back onto the road in front of the roller and kept going to later find I'd bent a subframe under the front of the car. The fan kept touching the radiator every time I turned a corner after that. Also used the car to push open a farm gate once, the gate won. Broke a headlight in the process. Thank goodness times have changed.
If you call these modifications in my early days of motoring: Added a sporty wing mirror, a head rest to the drivers seat that just sat over the top of it, not even secured. None of which made it go any faster of course. But that was cool enough at the time.