Decided I needed a tow vehicle for my couple so found a 80s f350 2 hrs away but when we got there it was not as described and it was a waisted trip we started to search online for any vehicles to try and truck this trip around and found this old farm truck which wasn’t running and hadn’t moved in a while. Body was in good condition and own said if we put a battery and started motor on it will would go. So did a deal and a week later we were back to fit a battery and started, the guy was right started up and drove it 1.3hrs home. Since then I respirated it, built the tray, fitted a boss 260 and 4 speed auto including the dash and sequential sifter. Absolutely a gem to drive
Built Ford Tuff
BA ford transplant motor,auto,dash, cruise control.
Custom light tilt tray
Full wiring change to ford BA
Disc brake upgrade
Electronic steering
Full engineers