Built this with my daughter for a science project (Had to improve a common toys design) but she cant ride it it without coming off so she gave up and left it to me instead. All up it has easily run into the high hundreds (if not more ) Kms since built as often use it regularly to go to work (if parking on site hard), going to shops etc or just cause its so much fun. Top speed is unknown but keeps up with cars on the Highway outside my house so somewhere around the 70-80 km/h mark when wound out (takes a bit for the clutch to take up and engine to reach full revs). Build took 3 days and uses a standard Kmart brand skateboard, 27 cc Rover engine and homelite geared brushcutter head. rear axle is a custom made piece that mounts the engine through a short shaft and drives down through the b.c. head (mounted within rear axle) and out trough the right wheel. Stopping is sometimes painful as it doesn't have brakes so is a case of hoping for a nice grassy area to land on if going to quick to step off gracefully (stops real quick if it hits an obstruction though as I found when I hit an old dynabolt in the footpath at around 50ks, skateboard stops instantly, rider doesnt though). Still one of the most fun ways to hurt yourself though
Custom welded steel axle assembly housing Homelite brushcutter head, custom turned out/cross drilled drive wheel for modified (drive pins welded) .output shaft.
Extended wiring, bike brake cable to standard brushcutter handle for throttle trigger and ignition kill.
Rear u clamp on engine mounting shaft as was finding the engine moved excessively and caused severe fishtailing from about 30km/h on (not fun on a skateboard)