In 1993, HSV released the "The 5th Anniversary Range of Vehicles" to celebrate the company's 5th year of existence and the building of 8000 vehicles. A total of 138 vehicles were built in the various models and 24 vehicles were exported to New Zealand (2 manual and 11 automatic Clubsport, 11 Senator 5000i).
Statesman 5000i - 8 (01 to 10)
Senator 5000i - 30 (11 to 40)
Senator - 15 (41 to 55)
Sport Wagon - 5 (56 to 60)
Clubsport - 65 (61 to 125)
Maloo - 15 (126 to 150)
All vehicles were finished in a similar style, Galaxy Blue with Panorama Silver lower body components. The alloy wheels on each model are colour matched to the lower body panels. Special Anniversary Decals are positioned in the front and rear passenger side windows. The "Anniversary Models" have a common HSV build plate model description.