The picture is not my actual car but similar, add a little rust, some different coloured panels and possibly a dent or two and it will be pretty close. My dad found the car for me at the wreckers i believe, all i know is it would cost me 600 bucks and it meant i could now go for a cruise, however slowly, whenever i liked! for that reason alone it was awesome. i was still in high school and not too many others had their license yet so that outweighed the fact that it was not too pretty. due to its power, or lack of, we named it 'the hundred hampsters' which we thought was what was powering the motor. I can't remember it getting too many washes or clean outs inside, it occasionally would not start but a quick fiddle under the bonnet would normally sort that out even though i am mechanically illiterate. To me it was brilliant and got me everywhere i needed to go, sometimes back again! I have seen some brilliant looking 808's and although mine was not one of them i still look back with fondness on my very first car.
some bits fell off, is that a mod?