Always wanted one of these and when one came up for a reasobale sum of $25k (in 2015) i jumped on it. Well turns out the seller was a bit dishonest about the car, the engine had a rod knock! A Maserati mechanic told me the car was well known, was owned by a Dr in WA at one stage, the mechanic said i should have sued the seller (the seller claimed ignorance... yeah right!). Anyway, since i like a challenge and i loved the car otherwise, at great expense i had a low KM Ghibli GT engine shipped over from the UK. I installed the engine myself which was fairly stright-forward. The GT's have an oil cooler which is a nice upgrade. Anyway, after enjoying the car for a few months i was stupid enough to sell it for what i originally paid for it... big loss! A fellow from country NSW flew in to look at it in his home built aircraft to Bankstown Airport. He ended up buying it and drove it home. I'm glad it went to a good home, another Alfa nut. Last i heard he was continuing to improve it with custom made adjustable struts.
Replaced the boost control with a modern GFB electronic controller. Replaced the engine with a low KM Ghibli GT example and added an oil cooler.