Featured +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 Return to Gilly58's garage 1967 AC Cobra 427 Replica. 1.5K Views 2 Comments Share Gilly58
History Imported the rolling chassis from Shell Valley Classic Wheels in 2011, built it up over the next 4 years. Modifications 351 W Motor, bored out .020", matching Edellbrock RPM top end. Balanced. 9" Ford Diff. T.K.O. 600 5 Speed gearbox. 3.5-1 Ratio. Willwood Front & Rear Brakes. Vehicle Specs Engine 351 W Transmission T.K.O. 600 5 Speed. Body Style Convertible Trim Leather seats, Black trim. Colour Deep Impact Blue. [Ford Colour]