Got the car 6 months old as I could not aford the $455,000 price tag new. Have been very disappionted with it. the proubles have been on going, It had computer dash read outs to the air suspension to brakes now the auto is leaking oil badly & it goes though the iner rear tyers. My wifes Echo is 2 years old than it & other than services I have not spent a cent on it & it cost $15,000 new. So much for Mec,s flag ship. LOL
The car is upgraded to the AMG factory specs witch includeds a 14pound boast larger exhaust biger air intake & computer ajustments.Puts out over 450kws at the wheels & over 1000ms of talk the only trouble is it will not give me the power under 80kms. In the us the stock s65 ran a 11.6 as seen on utube & it is classed as the fastest 4 door sedan in the world ( this is by the utube add)