first bike an old Hudson 50cc autocycle purchased 1956, 1928 Dodge Four purchased 1956, BSA 175 major 1958, 300cc Honda Dream 1960, NSU Prinz 36 1962, BSA 650 Gold Flash, 1964 GT 4 door Cortina, 1965 Suzuki 90 cc road bike, old 1944 M33 BSA purchased for 20 quid in 1965, Old 850cc Morris Miner van 1967, HK Holden Belmont 1969, 1973 Ford TC 250cubic inch Falcon motor, old 3 cylinder Suzuki 2 stroke 4x4 1992, old 3 ton Toyota truck 1992, XD Ford Falcon 1998, Subi AWD Sports Wagon 1992, 2000 Hyundi 2 door Acent, 2003 Hyundi Elantra 5 door Fastback auto, 2012 Nissan pulsar, 2011 3.6 Mitsi sedan, also in 1966 a mate and me build a rear enging hot rod from a 1948 Ford and we raced it a few years at Boulder Speedway with much success and a lot of fun, it was number 13 and we called it a DROF, (Ford) backwards, I know I have missed out a few bikes, had plenty of fun on them too, and fell off every one of them, can't believe I am still alive but know why I am so blood sore in my old age. drive safe and enjoy yourself, and insure your ride and drive with Sannons.
Just about every one when I were younger.