Bought sight unseen (excellent condition) through Gumtree, transported by Ceva from Sunbury to Pinkenba and driven to Toowoomba --on bald cracked tyres, no wipers or indicators and brake warning light ON. It drove beautifully nevertheless!!
Had been repainted with acrylic lacquer over bubbled primer so all paint was removed revealing rust areas around screens. No rust was found in sub-frames. Motor and gearbox were in excellent condition and just needed a tidy up. Air-conditioner pump was MISSING but found another in a wreck for $50, only needed new hoses and gas.
Panel work, repaint in 2-Pack was carried out at a trucking repair shop at minimal cost. Added new tyres from Bob Jane, new battery, woolly seat covers and she was ready to roll. My lady decided that it was toooo big for her so it was sold.