The Deux Chevaux has been my daily drive since 2002, this one since 2009 acquired after the first one was driven into the back of by a chappy using a mobile phone. 'Pepe' came from England with its longtime owner and over time displayed the trappings everyday use. Though ever reliable it began to rain inside when it rained outside due to a leaky seam at the top of the scuttle. Whilst in England for six months from December 2018 Pepe was left with a friend who would fix the leak and generally tart the old dear up. Asked what I wanted to be done with the paintwork my response was ' you decide, you're the painter, I just don't want any two panels to be the same colour'. Upon return Pepe was back in the garage; I had seen no photographs nor any report of progress, first viewing was the day I turned and opened the garage door. Very pleased was I, particularly as I paint pictures for a living. It's all paint and much brush lining, no wrapping. The Jackson Pollocky panels being quite thick.
Standard, apart from paint that is!