Bought it 3 years ago with rust and odd panels And slowly built it up To make it what it is today. Painted it candy green and thats where the hulk theme came from and went from there It had came along way and at some stage a prior owner put the hj - hz front on it so i just left it as is but done everything from. New carpet and headliner. To new wiring threw out the whole ute to puting bling on the 253 engine. To led lights alround. To tinted windows to make it the head turner it is every where ive been i get some one complementing me. On it. So makes all the hard work worth while
Custom 2 and half inch exhaust with ceramic coated. Pacemaker extractors
Ceramic coated intake manifold
Stainless steel. Heater and radiator hoses
Chrome alternator
Custom made door airvents to suit hulk theme
Stainless steel mudflaps. To stop mud. Flicking up the paintjob on the steers
Custom candy green paintwork
Tinted windows.
Led headlights with green halo
Led lights alround