I had my RX2 for approximatly 4 years and it was the best worst experience I ever had.
I loved how smooth the power delivery was and how the engine would rev like a motorcycle but the parts and the price of parts was expensive.
I replaced the Twin Dizzy 12A engine after it expired with a 13B Nitrided Import motor. i swapped the 4 Speed transmission for a 5 Speed RX7 unit.
I had 245 tyres all round with looked fantastic at the time "I thought they did anyway" even though the poor steering components paid the ultimite price.
I manufacted a rear muffler out of stainless steel and used lots and lots of stainless steel scourer pads as sound attenuation as all locally made ones would melt the sound attenuation out of the casing.
I converted the vaccuum secondaries on the carburetor to mechanical which made the power band more predictable.