The bike was in pretty poor condition when I bought it. I didn't mind as I wanted a restoration project and always wanted one of these. However, once I started dismantling it and getting into the thing I found it was in worse condition than I thought but was pretty much what I expected. I don't know the history of the bike but didn't really care as it was going to get the 100% full nut and bolt restoration to become an almost new bike again.
The bike is totally standard and original apart from being fitted with an aftermarket silencer, more modern rear shock absorber, an upgraded voltage regulator and the track bodywork. This was done so that I could ride it at Classic bike ride days as I don't have an Australian motorcycle license for road use and while I finish restoring all of the road equipment (lights, indicators and road-going bodywork). It has had a complete, 100%, nut and bolt restoration. If a piece could come apart then it was taken apart, cleaned, restored/repaired/replaced as needed. A whole heap of new parts went into the engine and all rubber parts, seals, gaskets, bearings and bushes replaced.