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Building AGIT8 For Summernats Unveil 2015

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Published on 16 June 2016

Building AGIT8 2.0 wasn't an over night descion, it was months of planning.
2014 was the start of rebuilding this car to achieve things we could never do with the old build. Speaking to Owen Webb and Bas from 2SUS Custom Respray's the descion was made that we would start again with a totally new look. We sat down and wrote a list of what we wanted to do. Once the list was finalized the first task was choosing the colour. Nathan from Motoractive stepped up for this task and spent weeks doing spray out after spray out after spray out until Texas T was created. Once the colour was locked away, we were told that this was a first for HOK Australia and we had exclusive rights to it. Maybe a week or two later an email from Owen was received asking would we be keen to unveil the car for either Summernats 28 or MotorEx Sydney 2015. As we planned a 6 month build in the first place we went for the unveil at Summernats 28 and that's how AGIT8 became 1 of 14 cars.  From there we researched different trim ideas and colours. Todd from Eastside Kustoms heard what we were doing and came on board. From there we purchased parts from the states for the motor including the bonnet and rocker covers. Wheel colour and pin stripe colour was chosen and so was the trim colour. The only thing that was left was the sit down talk with Dircted Australia to begin the task of deciding if we wanted to go with POLK MM range or Orion. As we wanted to still be a pure SQ car not SPL we went with POLK MM Range. 
So Monday we started stripping down the car. By Friday afternoon the car was totally stripped bar for the front seat ready for 2SUS who had the car stripped back and high filled by Saturday night. The car sat in high fill for 8 weeks then driven around the corner to SAMs Performance for them to take out the motor and gear box. Once that had been done the edging out, motor and gear box painted plus the fuel rails and manifold. All put back together and delivered back to be put together and place back into the car ready to spray the out side colour. 2 weeks later the entire car including stripe was painted and ready to be shipped to Eastside Kustoms for him to start his 5 week run of getting the interior stitched up and part assembled. Inbetween all of this, the roof, sub boxes, fibre glass pieces and door pieces were being prepared ready to be glassed, rubbed, high filled and rubbed again. To add to the mix, a full day of pulling every slave screen (17) apart to prep for paint, NOS button, NOS Bottle and Bracket, Gauge Pod, interior pieces that couldn't be trimmed, OTR and OTR covers, Rocker covers, dip stick, power steering pot, brake pot, Strut brace and anything else that just looked odd. Around 4 weeks were spent on all these pieces making sure they were flawless for painting, a chore I was pleased to learn and do. 
Second week of Dec, the call came from Todd saying the car was ready to be picked up. Of course moving a car for unveil isn't the easiest thing to do with so many car nuts around. so on Wednesday night the car was picked up, cover on, and shipped back to 2SUS Custom Resprays shop for final work, cut and buff. 
Saturday the 20th of Dec AGIT8 was brought home under the cover of darkness to start the reassemble process. With late night, no sleep,  no XMAS, no New Years and the help of a few close trusting mates we had the whole car ( with around a million hick ups a long the way ) back together 3pm New Years Day. We have never loaded a car on a trailer, packed 2 cars and left for Canberra to make the cut off for set up in the hall Thursday night so quick. Another 4 hours worth of work and AGIT8 was ready to shine Friday night when the covers came off. I've never wanted to sit down and eat a decent meal and to see the back of my eye lids so much in all my life. 
Friday of Summernats was spent looking around, enjoying the city cruise and recharging the batteries ready for what was to come later that night. Nerves, anticipation was at its peek. Having the thought in my brain that the colour choice was wrong, the interior colour was wrong, that everything was wrong kept playing over and over again. Once we arrived it was a mad rush to make sure everything was ready, talking to Photograhers, speaking to Richy about the order the cars were being unveiled and being told AGIT8 was the 8th car on the list, display boards hidden and all while still wondering if our painter was going to make it on time. Then the doors open to the public. Holy hell, this is real now. Our friends, our sponsors waiting ......... Then it's our time to shine. I wanted to cry and run away but when Chic Henry asked me who was there to support me, I turned around to see my husband, the 2SUS boys and my very close friends waiting with the same look of anticipation I had. 
The experience to do this is unbelievable. Words can't express the roller coaster it is to unveil a car at this level. All I can tell you is It's an incredible feeling