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1942 Chevy truck

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Published on 20 April 2017

This is my first Chevy truck I have owned but not my first Chevy. Beginning of next week I am starting to do my truck up. I have set up the sandblasters and currently looking for the door hinders as the other ones have had it. I will be taking my time to do this as I want it perfect. It won't be original but it will be close to it.  I will be updating the motor and box changing the interior slightly, but keeping you original dash. Installing new gauges if I can't fix the original ones. Also installing a sound system fixing up the suspension and working out a colour scheme for the vehicle, as the original colour was green as it is Ex-army truck.  I have noticed it has had multiple colours under the paint and the last remaining colours black and red which I do quite like, but not sure if I want to stick with that colour scheme I don't work that out later down the track.