Top End 4WD Club of Darwin NT

0 Posts
65 Members


The Top End 4WD Club of Darwin, is a Northern Territory, Australian 4wd club, that is open to anyone who own a 4WD vehicle. You are invited to come to one of our meetings. The aims of the club, according to the constitution are to   * Promote, encourage and foster interest in all 4WD vehicles * Promote and arrange field trips and social events for members: and * Arrange discount facilities   The club is a member of the NT Association of 4WD Clubs, and the National Association of 4WD Clubs.   The Association organises accredited Driver Training though the club, which covers knowing your vehicle, 4WD skills and environmentally friendly camping. New members are encouraged to attend training within the first 12 months.   The national Association is actively involved in planning for responsible management of the bush. Over the years, the Top End 4WD Club has made submissions to the NT government on issues of land use and public access.  


Existing Member

If you are already a member of this club, request to be added to the club members listing.