Concessional Vehicle Registration Limitations
Special interest vehicle scheme guide, for those who contemplating Concession Registration
Club membership: Evidence of current membership with an incorporated car club or association must be provided at the time of application for the concession. Vehicles other than historic ambulances and fire-fighting equipment must be registered in the name of the car club member/s (individuals only).
Restricted vehicle use
Vehicles registered under the scheme have certain limitations placed on their use. This is reflected in the reduced fees and compulsory third party insurance premium. Registered operators must confine their vehicle's use to:-
1. participating in rallies organised by incorporated car clubs
2. participating in processions for which a Special Events Permit has been issued under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management -Accreditation and Other Provisions) Regulation 2005
3. exhibiting the vehicle in displays, fetes or similar functions conducted for religious, charitable or educational purposes
4. ceremonial purposes (weddings, formals) involving immediate family members provided this is not done for fee or reward. Immediate family means parents, grandparents, sons, daughters, grandchildren but not extended family relationships such as nephews and nieces
5. preparing for, proceeding to, and returning from the above activities
6. direct travel to and from an Approved Inspection Station for the purposes of obtaining a safety certificate before offering the vehicle for sale
7. travel in order to have the vehicle repaired. There is no distance restriction in these circumstances. However, such travel must be reasonable and openly justified by the vehicle operator.
8. road testing within a 15 kilometre radius from the place where the vehicle is garaged. The purpose of the travel must be to road test the vehicle following repair or restoration and not for any other purpose. This does not include use as a means of transport.