Club News
Monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 8.00 pm (except December), at the Glandore Community Centre Clarke Ave Glandore, all members are asked to:
- Wear a name tag (Supplied by the Club) so everyone knows who is who. - Sign the attendance book (provided by the Club Captain)
- Talk to the other members about your car and associated problems (if any)
- Bring a plate of supper; Coffee and tea is provided
- Soft drinks are available from the refrigerator on a pay as you take honesty system
- Take a turn at helping with the supper and help clean up afterwards
Club Runs: Club Runs are usually held on the last Sunday of the month and all members are asked to:
- Meet at the designated assembly point - Feel free to drive any make or model, old or modern
- Arrive on time
- Sign the attendance book (provided by the Club Captain)
- Maintain a minimum of 100 meters spacing when traveling in convoy and drive on the rear view mirror, giving way to faster flowing traffic
- Enjoy yourselves. Some Club runs are arranged as weekend-away trips
Clubmanship Points: A Perpetual trophy is awarded each year as the Clubman ship award. This award is made on the basis of the best attendances as recorded in the Club Captain's attendance book and in the event of a tie; other factors such as the most consistent use of a Morris will determine the result.
Magazine: The Club publishes a monthly magazine called The Bulletin which records the doings of the Club and articles of interest which the members are requested to contribute. Articles for The Bulletin are requested to be in the hands of the Editor by the due date, published in the previous edition. The Editor prefers to feature a cover story of a member's car each month. This story usually consists of a cover photo and a short article written by the owner. The story line could be how, why and when you acquired the car or a restoration saga. The Editor is always on the lookout for stories and other articles of interest. The Nobel Prize for literature is not a required qualification, so please send your contributions to the Editor. The address is in the Bulletin.
The National Morris Minor Rally: This is conducted every two years in the odd Easter hosted by a Club somewhere in Australia;
Club Vehicle Register: The Club maintains a register of all vehicles and all members are requested to provide details and a photograph of their car/s. The committee provides a form for these details Please also advise when you have sold or added a vehicle so that the records can be altered accordingly.
Historic Registrations: For Club members who do not wish to use their vehicles for normal day to day running, there is a system called "Historic Registration". For a minimum registration and third party insurance fee you can use your car on Club runs and for maintenance travel. There are other provisions for special permits and the Historic Registrations Officer will be happy to provide you with the details of the system. The Historic Registrations Officer contact details are listed in The Bulletin.
Library: The Club Library contains a range of Morris related books, workshop manuals and magazines some of which are for sale. The library is open on meeting nights from 8:00pm till the meeting closes
Regalia: The Club maintains a small supply of regalia such as badges, spoons, jackets, hats and T-shirts, along with some spare parts, The Librarian will be happy to show you the goods and will arrange transactions with the Treasurer.
Equipment for Loan: The Club has a set of Roll Frames which are used to lay your Minor on its side to give easy access to the underbody an A-Frame for towing your Minor to your next expense centre and a engine lifter. Details on availability and how to use both items are available from the Secretary.
Membership: On joining the Club you become a member of the MORRIS CAR CLUB OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. and the MORRIS MINOR CAR CLUB OF S.A. INC. We share the clubrooms with other historic vehicle clubs all of whom combine to form the Combined Car Clubs of S.A. The CCC is responsible for to all the clubs for the management of the club rooms. Conversely, each of the clubs and their members are responsible for nominating CCC representatives and attending CCC working bees.
Constitution: Both the MORRIS CAR CLUB OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. and the MORRIS MINOR CAR CLUB OF SA INC have separate constitutions, copies of which are available from the Librarian.
Finally, the main objects of the Club are to encourage the preservation, restoration and exhibition of Morris vehicles and to foster fellowship amongst the members.