Mazda MX-5 Club of South Australia Inc

47 Posts
270 Members


The Mazda MX-5 Club of SA Inc was formed in October 1990 with the aim of enhancing the enjoyment of owning the world’s most popular, affordable and reliable sports car. Over time the Club has grown to more than 270 members of all ages.  We maintain close contact with Mazda MX-5 Clubs interstate and with some clubs overseas. A National Meet is held every two years on a state rotation. The Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW will host the next Natmeet XVI in 2026 in the Hunter Valley, NSW. The Club has a strong social focus with a small team of dedicated motorsport enthusiasts. New members are always welcome. The Mazda MX-5 was released world-wide in February 1989 at the Chicago Motor Show. This year 2024, we are celebrating the 35th anniversary of the Mazda MX-5.  

Executive Committee

Leah Andison
Vice President:
Brian Janes
Simon Matthews
Dianne Robertson
Membership Officer:
Nicki Halford
Communications Officer:
Jayne Helbers
Web & Media Master:
Leah Andison
Ordinary Member:
Robert Menz
Ordinary Member:
Deb Janes
Social Secretary:
Sporting Secretary:

Club Sponsors

Mazda Australia
Paradise Mazda

Photos 773

Videos 19

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Existing Member

If you are already a member of this club, request to be added to the club members listing.