To foster an interest in restoration, preservation and use of motor
vehicles and any mechanised form of transport or power, manufactured
prior to the 31st December, 1969.
This club was originally formed to cater for people with an interest
in motor vehicles designed prior to the end of 1948. It is recognised
that these older vehicles will always be catered for in any outings
and meetings that they attend. However the club now accepts membership
for all vehicles and mechanised forms of transport manufactured before
the 31st December 1969, the pre compliance plate era. Owners of such
vehicles and mechanised forms of transport are eligible to join the
club as Ordinary Members. Even if you don’t have a vehicle that meets
the requirements to become an Ordinary Member of the club, but have an
interest in motor vehicles and any mechanised forms of transport you
will be made very welcome to apply to join the club as Associate Member.
To foster an interest in restoration, preservation and use of motor
vehicles and any mechanised form of transport or power, manufactured
prior to the 31st December, 1969.
This club was originally formed to cater for people with an interest
in motor vehicles designed prior to the end of 1948. It is recognised
that these older vehicles will always be catered for in any outings
and meetings that they attend. However the club now accepts membership
for all vehicles and mechanised forms of transport manufactured before
the 31st December 1969, the pre compliance plate era. Owners of such
vehicles and mechanised forms of transport are eligible to join the
club as Ordinary Members. Even if you don’t have a vehicle that meets
the requirements to become an Ordinary Member of the club, but have an
interest in motor vehicles and any mechanised forms of transport you
will be made very welcome to apply to join the club as Associate Member.
To foster an interest in restoration, preservation and use of motor
vehicles and any mechanised form of transport or power, manufactured
prior to the 31st December, 1969.
This club was originally formed to cater for people with an interest
in motor vehicles designed prior to the end of 1948. It is recognised
that these older vehicles will always be catered for in any outings
and meetings that they attend. However the club now accepts membership
for all vehicles and mechanised forms of transport manufactured before
the 31st December 1969, the pre compliance plate era. Owners of such
vehicles and mechanised forms of transport are eligible to join the
club as Ordinary Members. Even if you don’t have a vehicle that meets
the requirements to become an Ordinary Member of the club, but have an
interest in motor vehicles and any mechanised forms of transport you
will be made very welcome to apply to join the club as Associate Member.