Cairns & District Historic Vehicle Club Inc.

10 Posts


The Cairns & District Historic Vehicle Club was established in 1971 initially as the Cairns Historic Vehicle Car Club. It is committed to the restoration and preservation of historic and unique vehicles. Club membership is drawn from the Mossman district in the north, east in Cairns, south to Townsville and west to the Atherton Tablelands, Mareeba and Chillagoe. The club meets every second Saturday of the month, normally in members’ homes, alternating between the Tablelands and Coast. There are usually several monthly social activities involving the use of historic vehicles. If you wish to receive the club's monthly magazine, The Bearing Chatter, please email the editor on Fees for 2024/2025 is $45.00 for family membership, and $25.00 for single membership, plus $25 joining fee to cover the cost of insurance and name and shirt badges.    

Executive Committee

Julie White
Treasurer & IT Officer:
Cheryl Emmerson
Ted Griffin
Vice President:
Eric Emmerson

Assistant Committee

Club Captain - Coast:
Julie White
Club Captain - Tablelands:
Michael Biggs
Editor & Publicity Officer:
Ted Griffin

Photos 32

News 1

Merchandise 5

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Existing Member

If you are already a member of this club, request to be added to the club members listing.



The Cairns and District Historic Vehicle Club Inc is a family orientated club and reference to “member” means either family, couples or individuals. Family membership of $45 shall be open to partners of members and their dependent children under 18 years of age. Once a member’s child turns 18, he/she is required to join as an individual for $25. An Ordinary Member shall be “voted in” in accordance with the Club’s Rules. The application form shall be completed and submitted to the club’s secretary with the applicable membership fees attached, plus a Joining Fee of $25 to cover insurance & name badge. It is not a requirement of the applicant to attend a general meeting to submit the application paperwork for assessment by the Management Committee.

Cheques can be posted to: Memberships, Cairns & District Historic
Vehicle Club PO Box 1212 Mareeba 4880