Brisbane Northside Classic Holden Club Inc

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Previously named Brisbane Northside FX-FJ Holden Car Club Inc, the club had its origins way back in 1976 when early Holdens weren’t so early. In recent years the club has expanded to accommodate all Holdens which are “at least 30 years old”. So now we have members with FX (48/215, if you must), FJ, FB, EK, EJ, EH, HD, HR, HK, HG, HQ, HX, HZ & WB Holdens, VC, VH & VN Commodores, HQ, HZ, WB & VQ Statesmans and LC, LH & LX Toranas. The aims of the club are: - The promotion, preservation and restoration of early model Holdens 30 years old or older in stock or modified condition. - To organise and promote car runs and outings,  and to assist fellow club members. - To promote close relations between members and other early Holden car clubs, by holding club car runs and functions in association with these and other clubs.  As suggested by the name, we are based on the northside of Brisbane and meet monthly at the Kallangur Tavern, 1517 Anzac Avenue, Kallangur, a major sponsor of the club. Our meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month (excluding December & January) at 7.30pm in the function room.   A variety of interesting runs are held at least monthly in which members are encouraged to participate.


Existing Member

If you are already a member of this club, request to be added to the club members listing.